We might very well be entering into some rather obvious territory here, but when you’re the one who’s having to navigate the blurred lines between professional gambling and dealing with a gambling problem then it becomes a different story altogether. So it’s worth exploring the differences between the mark of a pro gambler and someone who is battling with a gambling problem.
Gambling Income versus Nett Betting Expenditure
This is perhaps the biggest differentiating factor between pro gamblers and gambling addicts – professional gamblers earn their living via their gambling exploits while it’s the other way around for excessive gamblers. By no means are we trying to bash gambling addicts in any way. If it’s a problem you have then there is help available for you and you can even make the transition from a gambling addict to a responsible one. You won’t have to quit all gambling outright because it is after all meant to be a fun pastime, unless of course you have ambitions of going pro, in which case a different approach would be required.
Productive Time Spent versus Destructive Time
This comparison pointer pitting pro gambling versus gambling addiction perhaps builds on from the previously explored one of one generating an income versus the other who is doing nothing but spending money, but it goes a bit further than that because a pro gambler isn’t always winning money. Sometimes a pro gambler loses money or breaks even, in the same way that a gambling addict sometimes wins and perhaps even wins big. It’s all about the productivity of the activity in the end in that playing games and casinos online in the UK for example could be an all-day affair for the pro gambler, but at the end of the day they’ve gained something one way or the other.
They might have gained free spins as part of a bonus promo they took advantage of or they might have actually won just a little bit of money after testing a new strategy they plan on going big with in its future implementation.
A gambling addict on the other hand may win some money on some occasions, but on aggregate they end up losing it all. So there needs to be a method to it as opposed to just blind-betting which relies on nothing but luck.
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