If your employees are required to complete purchases on the company’s behalf, it can most certainly be a hassle. Corporate credit cards are not granted to all employees, the process of reimbursement is often drawn out and convoluted, and petty cash receipts are easily lost. All of these traditional expense means are being passed up and phased out. It is time to seek alternatives that will simplify your disbursement management process, ultimately saving your company valuable money and time. [Read more…]
Casino banking comes to Vegas
In the freezing desert night air, helicopters delivered their hot cargo of high rollers to the casinos’ roof-top helipads. On the neon-bathed Las Vegas strip, Jay-Z, the rapper, counted down the clock to midnight and blasted out Vegas State of Mind, backed by Coldplay.
The banks need tougher regulation, not weaker, if the economy is to thrive
Vince Cable, as business secretary in 2013, complained that the Bank of England was acting like a “capital Taliban”. This did not go down well with Bank officials.
The Bank of England has questions to answer over its role in the fall of HBOS
Companies don’t go bust because they fail to make a profit, runs the old City saw, but because they run out of cash. This was never more apt than in the fall of HBOS.
Casino banks might have checked these mad swings
IF CENTRAL bankers and politicians were puzzled by the speed and depth of the stock market gyrations last week, they could look in the mirror to find one of the causes.